Barrett's July Hiatus is Over!

Well, friends, my early July travels are over and I've returned to the world of consistent internet connectivity and hopefully, consistent blog posting. I hope you didn't miss me.

The past few weeks have included more than 2,000 miles of travel, a family reunion, a speeding ticket in a small Louisiana town, a round of golf where Landon and I gave a ridiculous beat down of my father-in-law and brother-in-law, a car wreck for Jen in Texas (the van is being repaired in Ft. Worth; the wife is fine), five days of teaching and seeing God move at Children's Camp, a stomach virus caught at the aforementioned camp (from a 10 year old relative with questionable hand-washing habits...I won't tell you who it was, but his name rhymes with Moo Bronson), and a wonderful reunion of the entire Johnson clan on Saturday night.

With my family being scattered out over the past three weeks, God reminded me of just how much I love having us all together. I don't like it when someone is missing from our home. Only God knows how I'm ever going to be able to handle it as they start growing up and moving away. Though I do confess that I LOVE my time alone with Jen, I think I'll manage.

Getting back to the office, I find that our Johnson Ferry ministry schedule and plans for the fall and early spring are moving forward at high speed. There are a number of excellent opportunities for you and your family to grow and connect in the coming year. So now that I'm back to blogging, I thought I would start highlighting some of the things that are in the works.

I'll post a few marriage and parenting resources, as well...all those things that you typically visit the INFO for Families Blog for. But over the next week, look for details on upcoming programs and events and start marking your calendars with key dates. The fall will move fast once school gets started and you will not want to miss some of this stuff. I can't tell you how excited we are about what's coming together!

And for the events we post, let me encourage you to spread the word. If you see something that looks interesting or meaningful to you, please pass the link on to your friends, post it on your Facebook, or tell somebody in your world about it. I'm counting on you for the grassroots effect.

Check back tomorrow for more stuff.  It's so good to be back!
