Summer Discipleship Plan - Coordinate Your Bible Reading

In our continuing goal to share possible ideas for being purposeful as you disciple your kids this summer, I thought I might give another glimpse into the Johnson house. And before you make any assumptions, I want to confess that we are far from perfect.

It's easy to imagine that we spend all our free time with our Bibles open in our laps, anxiously waiting for that wonderful moment each evening when Dad calls the kids down to sit in a circle in the living room for our family worship time. There we spend countless hours reading the Bible and sharing our insights and learning from one another. And we sing lots of songs; usually old hymns of the faith. It's rich...truly rich. I feel sorry that your family doesn't have what we have.

Well go ahead and imagine that. And imagine some unicorns there, as well. Because that's not how things typically go in the Johnson house.

There's usually a TV on. And our toddler is dumping the flour cannister in the kitchen. And two kids are fighting over who ate all the ice cream. And somebody wants us to leave RIGHT NOW and give them a ride somewhere. And there are messes, oh so many messes. Jenifer is worn out and I am tempted to hide in the garage. That's how things typically look at our house.

Thus, when it comes time to make a "discipleship plan" for the summer, my simple priority is to get my kids and wife on the same page and brings God's truth to bear on the challenges of our lives. I want a simple means for us to regularly consider God's perspective. And I want to do it in a way that's not a lecture from me, but a personal touch from God Himself.

So here's what we're going to do this summer:

Bible_low_bw The Johnsons are going to coordinate our Bible reading. One week we'll read Philippians. The next, Ephesians. Another, the Sermon on the Mount. I will give my kids the freedom to read at their own pace, given that they can get through the book in the allotted time period. And I am encouraging them to make note of things that jump out at them or challenge them. Basically, to look for what God is trying to say to them.

Then, at random times (most likely those suppers we can all eat together) we can chime in regarding what we are learning. Hopefully everybody will have some insight to share. And we will have something to pray for one another: that God will be teaching us and changing us as we encounter Him and His word.

Is it a perfect plan? Probably not. But it's my plan. And I feel like it's one that God pressed upon me.

Do you have a plan? No? 

How's that old saying go? "If you fail to plan, you better plan to fail." Let's not drop the ball on this one, parents!