"Dear Daddy..." - The Video that is Breaking The Internet

If you care about the future of your children, please watch this video.

We have ministered in the church for 27 years. In all those years it feels like we have visited hundreds of new babies in the hospital. Every time it's a girl, the new dad holds her in his arms and playfully says, "I will never let you date until you are 30!" It sounds cute but we always wonder if that dad moves on to do anything substantive for his daughter when she is in middle and high school.

We have written previously about how passive dads are in our culture in a post called What Has Happened to Fathers. You are welcome to check it out, but what we really want you to do is watch the video below.

It was created by an organization in Norway and it perfectly and painfully articulates how vulnerable our girls are in this culture. It should move every father to step up and do the HARD WORK of guarding and protecting their daughters.

If it affects you in any way, we invite you to get a copy of our book The Talks: A Parent's Guide to Critical Conversations about Sex, Dating, and Other Unmentionables. It is an invaluable tool to help parents know how to help their kids through each stage of sexual and relational development. Or you can grab The Talks DVD Series for your small group. (It is currently on sale at Amazon for really cheap!)

Remember, parents (particularly dads!) need to be engaged and focused on these issues from the elementary years. If you wait until your kids reach high school, you are WAY too late. Beliefs and patterns of behavior are established far earlier than we think. (Watch the video!)

A Brief Warning:

The video uses a few graphic words and there is a brief shot of a teenage boy trying to reach into a young woman's pants. It's PG-13 but worth including because this is the REAL LIFE that YOUR girls are dealing with every day in the community where you live.

Barrett JohnsonComment