About the INFO Blog

This blog has been designed for regular families: imperfect and normal people who are striving to discover God's best in a culture that sometimes works against us. While none of our families are perfect, we serve a God who is. And He is willing and able to lead us if we will simply look to Him and His Word for direction. I want this to be a place that helps you do that.

My goal is to help you to be purposeful in your relationship with God, your spouse, and your kids. As you poke around on this blog, I hope you will find some tools, resources, and insights to help with that. You may not agree with everything you see here, but I hope all of it makes you think...and pushes you deeper into Christ and His Word. If you can think of something else we can add to this thing that would meet your specific needs, please feel free to contact me.


The INFO Blog is spearheaded by Barrett Johnson, the Minister to Families at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia. He is married to Jenifer (you can find a few posts by her on here as well; she's a lot smarter than he is) and they have five kids: the oldest is 19 and the youngest is 4. His interests are traveling with Jen, hanging out with his kids, and playing bad golf. He digs 80's music, Monty Python, and watching competitive origami. He is known for his super-hero caliber metabolism. You can contact him at barrett.johnson@jfbc.org.