Our Kids VS 21st Century Sexuality (a free video resource)

Get your free copy of the 45 minute video that serves as a wake-up call to parents about the environment that our kids are growing up in. It has been designed to make parents aware of 4 cultural shifts that require them to take action as they help their kids navigate our hyper-sexualized culture.

In the video, Barrett Johnson of INFO for Families covers four key changes in our culture that will impact how we must equip and raise our kids:

  • A media-rich environment that gives our kids earlier exposure to sexual realities.
  • An entirely new dimension to entering and maintaining romantic relationships.
  • Contemporary culture's openness to homosexuality and gender fluidity.
  • The general acceptance that porn is the norm.

If you want to help your kids be equipped to face some of the challenges that they will inevitably encounter, this video teaching will be invaluable to you.



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