One Man's Unique Tribute to His Wife

Falling into the "I Wish I Had Thought of That" category is Rob Rienow's moving and thought-provoking tribute to his wife. Obviously done to coincide with Mother's Day, Rob celebrates and affirms all the essential yet often unnoticed volunteer ministries that his wife is involved in. It appears that Amy stays very busy ministering to others and Rob takes a few paragraphs to recognize her.

When I read this, it puts all of the "ministering" that I do into perspective. While I may be involved in doing lots of good things, I am reminded that my wife Jenifer spends most of her waking hours doing the most important things. While my work is often recognized, hers is carried out with few accolades or thank you's.

So again, know that I wish I had thought of this. Because it is so true. Every husband would do well to acknoweldge and honor the "volunteer work" of their wives. Get to it, boys...Mother's Day is only two days away.

Read A Tribute to My Wife: One amazing Volunteer at Rob Rienow's Visionary Family website.

By the way, Rob is one cool guy and the former Family Minister at Wheaton Bible Church outside of Chicago. Some of you got to hear him speak at our Parenting Vision and Strategy Conference back in March. He will be bringing a small taste of his Visionary Parenting ministry to Johnson Ferry in January.